Panel: Linda Michaluk, Victoria Huntington, Dr. Max Smart
The appeal was from PUP 102-583-91/93 authorizing the application of TORDON 22K on highway rights-of-way in the Robson Highways District for the control of all noxious weeds listed under the Weed Control Act.
A pre-hearing conference was held to refine the grounds for appeal and assist in the exchange of evidence in advance of the hearing. There were 39 grounds for appeal which concerned such items as federal registration of pesticides, past pesticide practice in this area and health effects. The Board found there was no evidence presented to support the Appellant’s position and denied the appeal. The permit was amended to include additional requirements regarding pesticide-free zones, advertising, locations of domestic water intakes and notification of pesticide use. The Board also made several recommendations, one of which was that the Ministry of Transportation and Highways develop pre- and post-treatment assessment programs to determine the effects of the control program. The Board has been informed that the Ministry intends to follow this up.